Wednesday, November 25, 2009

WHAT!?!? I'm pregnant.

Now some of you catch on much quicker than others--mainly me. Let's be honest I'm nearing my 5th month and I still attempt to do things people 3 months pregnant wouldn't. Let me explain. Sunday night I was laying on my back (bad #1, I'm told) with my feet up on the couch. After about 5 minutes, I realized my back was really hurting. I thought...I should stretch it out...Novel idea, however, the only time I have stretched out my back is pre-pregnancy, so I attempted to stretch it the only way I knew how....I heaved and hoed and threw my legs over my head. Actually, let me rephrase that, I attempted to throw my legs over my head. I barely got them to 90*. Once I stopped laughing from my first attempt, I had to try it again. (I'm a tad stubborn). So, here I go again, I hit about a 110* angle with my legs and then realized...I'm pregnant--I'm not suppose to bend that way anymore. For a better visual for you the picture to the right is what I was attempting--ridiculous, I know--NOW!


  1. Spunky, if at first you do not succeed at stretching out your back, try and try again :)

  2. I am laughing out loud and picturing this. When do you plan to post pregnant pictures?? I'm missing your cuteness. You were barely showing when I left the country. I need a photo!

  3. you are to funny :) wonder what your LO was thinking was going on...hehe.

    i think the not laying on your back thing has to do with a vein or something...I slept on my back until it was physically impossible. i was fine. at least I think I was. lol

    I am also wanting to see a belly picture! so excited for you and dan!

  4. The no back laying thing is after a certain point. Jamie's right - it's okay before you get too big. Too bad I can't remember what that point is! Sorry! :)
