Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Sam? Mike? Steve? Usually, when a pregnant woman starts throwing out names it's because she is thinking of possible names for her little one. Not me! I want to name my toilet. I've been spending hours a week either on it or in front of it, so instead of saying, "I'm going to go try pooping now" or "I'm going to throw up" I thought, "I'm going to see Sam now" just sounded nicer. So will you help me name my toilet? I would prefer it to be a single syllable name, because I have been going there often.


  1. How about a girl name?? Fay? Kim? Sue? I like Fay the best. lol

  2. gotta be a guy name...cause it's kinda gross and guys are kinda gross :) lol

  3. I like the english name of "lou"


  4. I'm throwing in a vote for Lou as well. It's a little weird since Lou is my Grandpa's name and also one of my nick-names (Louise being my middle name), but it sounds nice. And it has a dual purpose since that is how South Africans refer to the toilet as well!

    I'm sorry you're becoming so close to him!

  5. Spunks,
    I think you should name your potty "Dawg." That way you could step up to it and say "Wassup Dawg?!"

    Danny Lindberg

  6. how about 'ralph'? slang term for one of the things you've been doin' in the toilet recently.

  7. Hahahaha. Have you decided on a name yet? What about Max?

  8. Stew? or Stan? or Buzz? those are my votes :-)
