Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Speak Up, Mamas, Speak Up!

I am dumbfounded at the lack information previous pregnant women give to women considering the path of motherhood. I never heard how horrible the nausea could be or that you could and would experience severe constipation, in addition to insomnia. Not to mention the things I have yet to encounter...heartburn, hemorrhoids, and leg cramps. I had to go to alternative sources to discover these things and to make sure not pooping for 4 days was "normal" when pregnant. I beg all mamas EVERY WHERE to speak up! Those exploring possible Motherhood need to be educated in the ways of the wise who have been where we are considering traveling...


  1. Oh the constipation stories I could

  2. as if gaining 60 pounds isn't enough, right??

  3. you do not have to suffer heart burn. there are tons of wonderful drugs that will help. seriously talk to your doctor the second you feel it coming on.

    thank God I didn't deal with hemorrhoids. others will have to speak to that.

    having enough magnesium will help with leg cramps.

    I didn't have "insomnia" so much as I just wanted to die all the time from being in pain...that comes along more around 7 months. by month 9 you will sleep on your couch at least half the night. be prepared.

    your baby will kick. people will say things like "its so amazing, it's a miracle" and you will agree until they kick you on your insides and it kills. they don't just kick outward towards your belly...

    oh I could write a book I swear.

    I am going to love your blog I can already tell.

  4. Sorry to say my pregnancy experience was really great. I had only minor nausea early on right away when I got up, and it went away as soon as I ate something. Other than that, the other minor annoyances consisted of peeing a lot and gaining water weight. I was pretty "text book easy."

    Seriously. It can be great for some women.

    Just wanted to paint the whole picture. :)

  5. And - p.s. - congrats! I had no idea! I am very excited for you. Please post key stats like when you are due and all that jazz. :)

  6. I think the reason it's so hard to find helpful info is that each woman's experience is so very different! Most people do report the first few months of initial adjustment being the hardest. So, maybe your body will start responding better soon? I love you!!

  7. i would have told you more about the fun of pregnancy - but, just as memories of the pain of delivery, these memories fade. Also, if mom's passed on all these little tid-bits.....I think there would be a lot less babies. And that would make me sad....I like babies!!!
