Thursday, October 8, 2009


Now when you are pregnant, out of control can refer to your emotions, lack of memory, or eating habits. My "out of control" experience has to do with something way more noticeable to EVERYONE around... uncontrollable gas. Last night I was having my first adventure out in quite awhile to Target. I was walking down the aisles and then all of a sudden, a loud flatulence sound came from my backside. Two aisles later, AGAIN! I was running out of aisles I could ditch down without people in them! It became so frequent that I stopped ditching down aisles and just let 'er rip wherever I was--people or no people! I hear you lose most of your inhibitions when you are pregnant--I think I'm entering the inhibition free zone at this point in my pregnancy.


  1. You are so funny. Pregnancy just gets you ready for what you experience after 50!!! Love, Mom

  2. ahahaha!!! so hilarious! glad you're so real!
