Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Men in Black in the delivery room?

As I have endured 6 weeks of awfulness I am more and more convinced that all delivery rooms come equipped with men in black. They are the men that have neat little lasers, you look at the light and they zap you and you remember nothing. In the movie, you don't remember your encounter with the aliens. I am certain this happens in the delivery room so moms that have gone through 9, I mean 10 months of the not so enjoyable experiences and hours upon hours (if you are lucky) of labor would be willing to pro-create yet again. I can't wait for my men in black experience...

1 comment:

  1. technically there is some chemical that your brain releases that truly gives you "baby brain". I could not think straight after I had Judah. Buy a nice notebook now to write everything down. You will need it. And while it definitely happened to me and I think God designs it to help us forget somethings about delivering the did not make me forget how awful my pregnancy was.
